Quilted classic handbag with strap
The small black handbag made of synthetic leather immediately catches the eye with its elegance and subtle luxury. It is suspended on a thin, adjustable strap, which allows it to be worn on the shoulder or slung over the body. The surface of the leather is decorated with fine quilting, adding a sophisticated touch to the handbag. On its front there is a metal monogram, shining and contrasting with the matte texture of the leather. This monogram is a symbol of prestige and quality, emphasizing the exclusivity of this accessory. The size of the bag is small, but very functional, perfect for elegant outings or everyday wear.
Product details:
- The handbag has 3 separate compartments closed with zippers.
- There is 1 open pocket in the front compartment and 1 zippered pocket in the back compartment.
- The strap is detachable, with adjustable length.